Hey Troop!
Turkey Camp is quickly approaching. Camp is scheduled for Sat Nov 20 through Tues Nov 23. We need ALL Merit Badge selections TONIGHT. Scouts need to fill out the Merit Badge Selection sheet completely. We also need the Hold Harmless agreement signed by scouts and parents. The Scout Packet can be found here: https://troop359.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/65/2021/10/2021-Turkey-Camp-Scout-Packet.pdf
Remember, do not try and ‘make a schedule’ for Merit Badges. List the courses you want in order of desire.
The fee for Turkey Camp this year is $150 per scout and $50 per adult. You may pay at any Troop Meeting with Cash or Check, or pay online at https://troop359.com/pay. Please ensure you note what the payment is for.
Please let me know if you have any questions.