Good Morning, Troop!
Merit Badge Registration for Camp Hale is Open!
You can find the MB Schedule here –
You must go to and then use the ‘LookUp’ in the top right corner and select Parent Portal.
Name | User ID | Password |
Landon Beaton | 12228963 | af21d6 |
Carter Nash | 12228964 | 8923fc |
Trenton Fritter | 12228965 | 68c1d1 |
John Swindell | 12228966 | d46b24 |
Jared Wilkins | 12228967 | 5d6bd9 |
Issac Russell | 12228968 | 49339b |
Valen Preusse | 12228969 | 243bcd |
Alan ONeill | 12228970 | fc52cb |
Sam Martin | 12228971 | 715d22 |
Hunter Johnston | 12228972 | f058f2 |
Jacob McLain | 12228973 | f176ef |
Dylan Riggle | 12228974 | baa96e |
Mark Swindell | 12228975 | a3b590 |
Eminence Anderson | 12228976 | a3da98 |
Riley Blackmon | 12228977 | 08dfe5 |
Skyler Bockover | 12228982 | fcf9f8 |
Jason Beaton | 12228983 | 9a442d |
Somer Bockover | 12228984 | 8fb68f |
Derrick Nash | 12228985 | bf7c5c |