Good Afternoon Troop!
Recharter – Don’t forget about Recharter dues! $100 per scout and $80 per adult. Remember – any adult who camps with the troop must be a registered adult. Recharter is how you become a registered adult. Mr. Hill will be at tonight’s meeting for anyone who wants to pay by cash/check, use funds from your scout account, or needs to discuss a different scenario. Online payments can be made at
Orienteering – We have four meetings until the next campout. Our theme is navigation and orienteering. This is all covered in the Scout Book under Chapter 11 (pages 326-357). Tonight, we will start with Orienteering basics and build on these skills until our February campout, where Scouts will have to find their campsites and supply packs using a map and compass. If Scouts have a compass, please ensure they bring it every week.
See you all this evening!