Good Afternoon,
Quick Meeting Reminder – We have a Troop Meeting tonight at 6:45 PM. This is also the first Tuesday of the month and our Committee Meeting will be held as well. This means there will be no Board of Reviews this evening. We do need a few more positions on the committee filled. If interested, please reach out to our Committee Chairman, Clif Boucher.
May Campout – We will be camping on a Private Property southeast of Mena, Arkansas. We have nearly 8 acres with direct access to the Mountain Fork River for fishing and Fly Fishing. We are roughly 4 hours away. If you or your scout want to attend, please let us know ASAP. Patrols will begin planning their menus and responsibilities this evening.
Summer Camp – MERIT BADGES ARE DUE!! Please ensure your scout has turned in his Merit Badge requests to Mr. Boucher. Also, double-check all of your paperwork and medical forms. In the attached file, you will find the Camp Schedule, Merit Badge & Program descriptions, and the Merit Badge selection sheet.
Philmont Opportunity – There is a Crew out of Longview who has a few Scout slots open for a Philmont Trek this June. Leave June 6, 2021, and return June 17, 2021. The cost is $965 per person. I know the adults (long-time Scouters) who are going and would be sending my son if he was 14. Please let me know ASAP if your scout would like more information. I’ll connect you with the Crew Leader.
Let me know if you have any questions