Good Morning Troop!
Tonight is our Gaming Lock-in at the Church. We’ll get things started at 6 PM.
Each Patrol has worked out who is bringing what gaming console. If your scout is bringing a console, please bring the Video Cables as well! (This might be a single HDMI cable, or some other set of cables). Some scouts have also said they can bring a TV or projector for their group to use.
Scouts who are not responsible for consoles can still bring their controllers to ensure we have enough for everyone.
Any games need to be scout-appropriate. If there is any doubt, leave it at home.
Scouts need to bring their field uniforms for the Fish Fry tomorrow night. Cots, pads, mats, etc are all appropriate sleeping gear for this evening. **Scouts will not be leaving the church until AFTER the Fish Fry**
Fish Fry Info
Scouts will begin prepping and cooking for the fish fry around 3 PM tomorrow. If your scout is unable to attend the lock-in, but is attending the Fish Fry, we’d love to have a few extra hands for prep.
We are asking that Families bring a dessert and can arrive at 6 PM and we’ll start serving shortly after that.
We will be announcing and inducting our new Leadership team tomorrow evening as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions,