Summer Camp attachment

Subject: Clarification on Attachments Hi everyone, I wanted to clarify that the three attachments I included in my previous post are displayed as one continuous link. To access each attachment individually, please copy and paste each link into your address bar. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Thank you! Kirk

Summer Camp 2025!!

**Attention Scouts and Parents!** We have been discussing our plans for summer camp this year, and the dates are quickly approaching. Attached is a flyer with details about the camp, including costs and key dates. Additionally, I have included the list of merit badges offered and the merit badge schedule. **Important Notes (not included in […]

Turkey Camp Return

Our campers are busy having lots of fun this camp.  The current schedule is that camp breaks at 3:20pm. We plan to check out and will try to be headed home as soon as possible.  We anticipate arriving back at the church somewhere Around 5pm.  We will send another update with a more specific time […]

Turkey Camp Return

Our campers are busy having lots of fun this camp.  The current schedule is that camp breaks at 3:20pm. We plan to check out and will try to be headed home as soon as possible.  We anticipate arriving back at the church somewhere Around 5pm.  We will send another update with a more specific time […]

Summer Camp Health forms

Summer Campers! We would like to have all three parts of the health forms completed before the end of this month.  Everyone who attends the camp needs to complete this. Please remember that part C needs to be signed by a physician.  To help with this process, we will have a physician at our next […]

Jeff Eagle Scout project

if there are any scouts available to help with Jeffrey‘s Eagle Scout project tomorrow, we will meet at the White House police station at 9:30 AM. Please bring gloves and if you have a shovel, please bring it. We should only be there for a couple hours as we will only be setting the concrete […]

Final Summer Camp Payments are due!

Attention, Summer Campers!!! This is the last week to submit your final payments for summer camp (for the Boys and Girls).  If you are not sure if you have a balance, please call or text me at 903-530-1610, or you can catch me at the troop meeting this week.  I will be making these payments […]

Summer Camp (Orr) and Merit badge Selection.

All, As a reminder – We need to collect 50% of your camp fees by this Tuesday (2/27 this week) if you are going to camp Orr.  We have 15 scout spots available (for Boys) and 13 scouts signed up.  There are only 2 spots left.  For the 4 scouts wanting to do the Trekking […]

Re-Charter Dues

Scouts and Leaders – If you have not submitted a payment for Re-charter fees or contacted Mr. Hill to use existing funds in your account for this, please do so as soon as possible.  We are fast approaching the deadline to get these submitted and paid to the council office for 2024. Scout = $100 […]