A message from our committee chair, Steven Swindell, including an important announcement regarding registration:
Dear Troop 359,
This has been a great year to be in our troops. God has provided for us and given us a great opportunity to fellowship, serve, learn, and spend time together in His great outdoors. Much of that has been provided through our dedicated leaders who sacrifice their own time and resources to serve our kids and to help them grow into strong and talented young adults of good character.
I want to say a special thank you to Jason Beaton and Carolyn Wharton who have lead our boys and girls this year as scoutmasters and to Nick Kennedy who stepped in and has become the next scoutmaster for Troop 359G. Thank you also to the more than 20 other adult volunteers who are currently registered with the two Troops as assistant scoutmasters or committee members.
An important note about unit recharter and registration for the majority of our youth and adults. Earlier this year the BSA announced that individual registrations (youth and adult) would now occur directly between the individual families and the BSA through a new online process. Most of us who were with the troop a year ago would have received the notice and our new registration fees would have been due this December. However, we recently learned (and shared with those at the meetings) that this would no longer be available until sometime this spring. As a result the committee will now be rechartering and reregistering as a group for the majority of those in the two troops. Only those who have joined recently will not need to reregister at this time.
Here is the critical information. The committee intends to recharter by the end of January. Please pay your registration fees to the troop website by January 15, 2024.
Youth Registration Fee: $100
Adult Registration Fee: $80
Troop Website for Payment: https://troop359.com/pay/
Due to the loss of traditional fundraising opportunities for the troop over the last couple of years, the troop is no longer able to cover registration for any youth or adults. If your scout’s registration has not been paid via the troop website or doesn’t have enough to cover the registration on their individual scout account we will not register them through the recharter process. Compared with other youth activities, the BSA program is an incredible value that will benefit our youth for the rest of their lives. Feel free to call me with any questions. We look forward to all of our youth continuing in the program for 2024.
I hope you were able to have a Merry Christmas with your friends and family and look forward to a wonderful 2024 for Troop 359B and 359G.
Steve Swindell