Good Afternoon!
Turkey Camp registration has opened and Merit Badges Announced. We will distribute the class list at tonight’s meeting. You can also find the course catalog and course schedule at
The cost is $175 and needs to be paid before October 28th. Scouts were given their ‘Scout Account Balance’ at the last meeting. You may use these funds as you wish for upcoming campouts and recharter. You can make payments of any amount at any time at
Troop Elections will be held next week, August 16th. Scouts who plan to run for Patrol Leader or Senior Patrol Leader need to come prepared with a quick speech on why they deserve the position.
If your scout will not be there next week, and wants to run for election, PLEASE call me at (903) 530-9378 to discuss.
Several schools start back tomorrow (not Whitehouse ISD) so tonight’s meeting will be on the shorter side.